HDC can provide interim expertise to HE, FE and schools to support with the delivery of priorities.  As an interim manager, HDC will bring expertise to your project and will be able to take control immediately.  Through becoming embedded within the organisation, working as part of the management team for a determined period of time, usually between three and 12 months.  We can provide a fresh perspective, implement strategies onsite and mentor existing staff.  Our interim leadership and management solutions are focused across senior and middle leadership and management roles, and we can provide high quality support in the roles of:

  • HR (Training & Development) Director/Manager
  • Head of Curriculum Departments
  • Quality Director/Manager
  • Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Director/Manager

Interim Manager Case Study


Helen worked as part of the HR team at a university as the interim lead on Equality, Diversity and Inclusion.  Her targeted leadership interventions and approaches brought about significant improvements to the delivery of embedding of EDI policies and practices.  Her expertise in using data to make informed judgements to drive the EDI agenda, and her people focused leadership approaches, provided the university with a clear direction and the ambition to bring about improvements for staff and students.  Helen made a substantial contribution to the EDI improvement agenda and employer and student satisfaction has improved significantly